Sunday, November 27, 2016


Click on the arrow above or copy and paste the You Tube below Link, into your Browser,then click enter to view:

To see Minions goggling Arizona Judge William J. O’Neil, who does not have valid "Oath of Office."... Also read below:

Do you agree, Judge O’Neil’s Orders, Decisions and Rulings should be deemed "Null and Void," against those O'Neil prosecutes?

With the Exception of those attorneys found guilty by a court of record of actually committing crimes.  

If you agree Judge O'Neil must be Impeached, please sign and share the Petition, to have Judge William J. O’Neil, Impeached.  

FYI, public awareness and education: try Googling a query term “Courts not of Record,” and you will see our U.S. Constitutional rights as American Citizens, are being slowly eroded, with the start of various U.S. Courts or should I say, "Courts not of Record!

U.S. Citizens stand for something or you stand for nothing!

    a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so. – Thomas Jefferson

    a  law is unjust, every man or woman, must stand in unity to disobey it and as proud American Citizen’s, we are obligated to resist and disobey it.  We the People, must take back America, she is unfortunately temporarily gone." -Star Moffatt   

Your truly, 

Star Moffatt