Wednesday, December 16, 2020

"Joe Biden" won't last Five Months!

If by some  slim chance Biden does a white collar gang take over of the Presidential (job) seat, Biden won't last more than 5-6 months.

You see Harris, wants to be the first woman, woman of color to hold the presidential seat at any costs of another human being, regardless of Biden being a Senior Citizen, having appearance of diminished mental capacity.

Biden will mysteriously come up dead in a car accident or once they stop drugging Biden with ... to make Biden appear he is alert, she (Harris), will then move from VP, to next first Woman President, claimed Biden, now "mentally incapacitated."   


GOD have mercy over our nation! 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

"Property Owners" use your Voices!


Property Owners have Voices, through your Property Taxes, use your Voices.~Star Moffatt

Thursday, December 10, 2020

"Electoral College:" Electors appointed to Electoral College in violation of the Electors Clause...


"Electors appointed to Electoral College in violation of the Electors Clause can not cast constitutionally valid votes for the office of President, said Ken Payton, Attorney General of Texas,  Supreme Court Filing, dated 12/7/2020, document entitled: "Bill of Complaint", See Section 133. 

Click on below Link to read the full complaint by Texas against  four (4) States

Stats prove California used "Dominion Voting Machines" like other States ...

Below Stats make  you wonder if California, also used "Dominion Voting Machines" in the 2020 Presidential General Election. 



Source Link for below Stats:
