Protestors retreat with your Protests of internal
anger against who the majority people have chosen as our President (POTUS).
We need to allow the
authority head over our proud U.S.A. Nation, "TRUMP" to lead and
be given a sliver of chance in leading, so we can move our Country forward! Aren't you even aware, that when we act divided rather than united, those Terrorist moles that live among us, we subject ourselves with vulnerability for being attacked by Foreign Terrorist or Domestic Homeland Terroist?
Protestors, I urge you to Retreat, if you in fact define yourself
as a "True American."
Now, let's all take-up
the cause, to begin societal healing as American People united as one Nation under God.
"If we ever forget that we are One Nation under God, then we will be a
nation gone under." - Ronald Reagan