Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Kamala Harris you're UnAmerican wanting to give Free Handouts to Illegal Aliens


MAD AS HELL:   Yes I am mad as hell because my Retirement Pension with Fannie Mae got wiped out while the Banks got bailed out in 2008.


 Now I have got to start the f..k over, with my Retirement Planning, you have got to be joking with me, so UnAmerican.

Yet government employees like Kamala Harris want to give all sorts of free handouts to illegal aliens,  while I and my family have worked as "Tax Slaves," all our lives, you have got to be f..king joking me.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac an untold true story: largest "bank heists," in history and in the world against Fannie/Freddie by insiders and government socialist employees, a well kept secret from 2008 and ongoing 2024. 

I ain't your stupid American asleep! 

Kamala Harris, "Anchor Baby," you're just looking out for your own, with supporting   open Borders, for illegal immigrants (aliens), just to get a vote.   
You Kamala Harris, you have got to be asleep, brainwashed or just so damn unAmerican - Anchor Baby and far from being a True American in the proud USA!   
"Anchor Baby Harris," one last thing: would you STOP plagiarizing your supposed Affordable Housing Plan from the  HERA (HOUSING AND ECONOMIC RECOVERY ACT OF 2008)?
Now I am voting 2024 Trump all the Way.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Multicultural Couple suppporting Trump for 2024



My beloved husband (Jeffrey Moffatt) and I are a proud "Multicultural Couple," supporting: Trump for 2024.  

Don't hate on us for our choice of President and to mean Trump! Recall in the proud USA we have a right of choice. 

Won't you join us in supporting Trump to be reelected in 2024?


You can also leave a comment, but please do not leave comments with profanity etc... because they will be deleted.   We are more than happy to have a healthy dialogue with YOU!




Thursday, November 30, 2023

Paper Ballots will Prevent 2024 Trump Loss


I too love Trump and am worried, that unless the 2024 elections use Paper Ballots, "Trump," will lose again!


My Senate Campaigns 2012 & 2016, Supporters and myself lost due to the rigging of Voting Machines. Yes, I (we) still have the proof. 

Did you know California in 2019 issued $134 Mil from its General Fund and received $75 Mil from the Fed government for Cyber Security enhancements of Voting Machines for 2020 elections? 



California's voting machines were so outdated they couldn't even get parts for repair. Yet they claim Biden won in 2020 (liars). No Biden and his f..king minions cheated using vulnerable voting machines in California and throughout our Nation, along with Ballot stuffing etc... 


Whoever has the program codes to the voting machines control Cyber-hackers. 


USA's Silent Killer of Voting Democracy - "Voting Machines." 

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Faced with 105 Years in Prison - What would you Do?

1).  What would you do if faced with being sentenced to 105 years in prison, on non-violent false criminal charges by Prosecutors?


2).  What would you do to help your family member or friend if facing 105 years in prison on false criminal charges by Prosecutors?


Friday, May 20, 2022